Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cellular Neural Network (CNN)


Cellular Neural Network is a revolutionary concept and an experimentally proven new computing paradigm for analog computers. Looking at the technological advancement in the last 50 years ; we see the first revolution which led to pc industry in 1980's, second revolution led to internet industry in 1990's cheap sensors & mems arrays in desired forms of artificial eyes, nose, ears etc. this third revolution owes due to C.N.N.This technology is implemented using CNN-UM and is also used in imageprocessing.It can also implement any Boolean functions.


A standard CNN architecture consists of an m*n rectangular array of cells c(i,j) with Cartesian coordinates (i,j) i=1,2…..M, j=12…...N.

A class -1 m*n standard CNN is defined by a m*n rectangular array of cells cij located at site (i,j) i= 1,2 …….m ,j=1,2,….n is defined mathematically by

(dXij/dt )= -Xij + A(I,j,k,l) Ykl + B(i,j,k,l) + Zij